A Zero-To-Three expert, Claire Lerner, LICSW, is a nationally recognized early childhood expert with over 30 years experience in infant mental health, parent guidance and family support.

Here’s an example from her website:

We all get caught up in the moment in what seems like the struggle of a lifetime with your child. Claire Lerner’s tips might help you rethink the battle. But when you’re in the middle of it, 

B R E A T H E!

Behavior: Child melts down completely, for example when she is told it’s time to leave grandma’s house.

Parent Self-Check: Remember that the toddler brain has very little ability to control strong emotions.

Validate Child’s Feelings/Goal/Desire and Explain the Situation.                Tell her that you love her so much.  But it’s time to go. We will come back and visit again soon.”  Then stop talking—that’s the hardest part! Too much language can be overwhelming to the child. She understands.

Engage in Joint Problem-Solving (with children over 2 ½):              Problem-solving can only happen once your child is calm. Acknowledge her strong feelings. When she is calm, comment on what a great job she did calming herself down – no matter how long it took. Then work together on ways to manage when she has to part from a loved one, such as having a special “see-you-next-time” kiss, or maybe snap a photo to send to grandma’s phone on the way home as a way to feel connected. 

This kind and sympathetic babies and toddlers expert is the real deal. She understands things from the little person’s point of view.

See what you think:  https://www.lernerchilddevelopment.com/

Categories: Tips and Tricks