Reading with babies and toddlers is too good to miss. Babies who have books in their lives have stories and art, new words, ideas, friends. We do too. My colleagues and I wrote this book to encourage everyone to bring books into their bag of tricks for raising their children. That means you. It means me as a Gaga. And it means our little ones everywhere.

The book is available wherever books are sold, online or in stores. Here are links to the publisher who sells an ebook copy, and to Books Are Magic where you can order an autographed copy.

Happy Reading!

Or if you prefer watching… we have a DVD!

Ames Hill Productions, Kathy Kinsner and I created 2 important brief videos. One documents a Read To Me Program in action with teen parents and their babies. The 2nd one is a unique video showing how real babies 2-24 months read and interact with books.  Please email to inquire about obtaining a copy.