52 writers, illustrators, and photographers contributed to this imaginative, inspirational, and deeply important new curious illustrated book for children. What DO we tell our children about the contemporary world of challenges like cruelty, racism, hate? How do we honor their experiences while helping to support them as they develop into the kind of people we need to have alive and well?
Each of these brief stories, mini-essays, anecdotes, or poems carries a similar message: YOU are our hope. We will get through this. We and those who came before us got us through those dark days, and we will help get you through now. ‘What songs will our children sing?’ ‘Who and where are the good people? They’re all around us every day…’ ‘Get on board, children’, ‘You can do it, No matter what they say.’,
‘We’ve got you.’, ‘have a day of small things’, ‘do not forget to marvel at the wonders of the world’.
All is not scary and grim, despite the scary and grim events. This book might help all of us keep a perspective, have some hope, get through to raise our children. Rise, Resist, and Raise Our Voices indeed!
We Rise, We Resist, We Raise Our Voices
Edited by Wade Hudson & Cheryl Willis Hudson,
foreword by Ashley Bryan
Crown Books for Young Readers, New York