Hey Birders of all Ages!

This book is for us.

Did you know that the annual Christmas Bird Count began in reaction to an annual competition when teams of sports hunters would shoot birds on Christmas Day? The winning team shot and killed the most birds.

More than 100 years ago a scientist who loved birds was horrified. Frank Chapman of the American Museum of Natural History in NYC began a successful creative, bird-saving crusade by inviting bird lovers to hunt and count birds on Christmas Day. Yes! This popular worthy annual event continues today. It is now sponsored by the Audubon Society.

You can participate. Here’s the link: www.audubon.org/audubon-near-you

The stylish illustrations are wonderful renderings of real people and birds. Did the artist use a very refined kind of collage? Whatever she did, she created splendid end papers of many different species of birds. Can you name them? Maybe if we become real birders we WILL know their names.

Well done Heidi Stemple!



Counting Birds: The Idea That Helped Save Our Feathered Friends
Sea Grass Press, an imprint of The Quarto Group,
Lake Forest, CA 2018
Written by Heidi E.Y. Stemple
Illustrated by Clover Robin


Categories: CommunitySpotlight