For 25 years I worked to empower and encourage young mothers to read to their children. That work has directly inspired what I’m doing here at Reading with Babies.
Here’s a little history of the Read To Me Program 1990-2015.
I can’t answer for you, but for me one of the most pleasurable activities was being read to as a kid, and later reading books with my children.
It’s beautiful on all kinds of levels.

Edward A Reynolds joining in on our program and reading Pat the Bunny.
Inspired by this precious part of parenthood, beginning in 1990 I created a reading-with-babies program for teen parents in an English class at West Side High School called “Read to Me”. This was the perfect environment to start as some of their babies were in the on-site nursery. Both the English teacher and the principal were exceptionally welcoming. Both have since passed on but left a rich legacy of caring for their students. The school is now named Edward A Reynolds West Side High School in his honor.
In no time at all, the program took shape: with books, art and photo supplies, and guest writer-illustrators. Connecting with the local public library was easy and natural. This program was both fun, and effective, inspiring these student parents to introduce books into their children’s lives. All lives are better with story and art.
Teachers & Writers Collaborative ‘adopted’ me, giving me immediate street cred. These connections helped me to grow the program even more. Soon Joan Davis of the NYPS Alternative Schools & Programs Department sent me to many of the schools offering academic courses to young moms and their babies. Learning For Young Families through Education [LYFE] was fabulous!
And author-illustrators? These folks offered a truly rich insight into the world of story and art. How many of us have ever been able to meet a real artist? A real writer? Here is a partial list of the excellent author-illustrators who shared their gifts with Read To Me:

Pat Cummings signing books at school.
Cheryl Willis Hudson Walter Dean Myers
George Ford Vera B. Williams
Melanie Hope Greenberg Lori Carlson
Pat Cummings Leo & Diane Dillon
Nina Crews Elizabeth Winthrop
We took Polaroid and other photos, made books out of shipping tags and collaged bits cut from magazines. While we worked, we listened to children’s songs I played on a cheesy pink cassette recorder. We laughed a lot too.
Then we decided to make a movie. The first one documented one program in action at a high school in Brooklyn. Then we needed another. It featured 50 babies, all under 24 months, and their families reading books with sensational joy.
I can’t say for sure whether their participation in our Reading With Babies video insured their future success as students. Their parents probably helped! BUT I do know that shared reading with babies and toddlers makes an enormous difference for all of us.
Among the many generous and special participants, librarians, class teachers and administrators, authors and illustrators who joined me, my profound thanks go to my Read To Me people.
My husband Peter Straub adored reading to our kids. He never noticed when one fell asleep because the power of the story, say Treasure Island, kept him going.
And here, in random order, are some of many others who made things happen for the Read To Me Program: Nancy Larson Shapiro, Pat & Ron Padgett, Bruce Morrow, Jade Triton, and Simon Kilmurry of Teachers & Writers Collaborative; Opher Peled; Kate Purdie and Andy Reichsman; Kathy Kinsner, Kristen Lynch and Deanna Pacelli; Rachel Payne, Becky Koppleman and Peggy Salwen, NY and Brooklyn Public Libraries; University of Wisconsin CCBC Librarians; Social Workers Diane Whitaker and Marjory Wilson; Linda Lloyd-Jones and Yvalisse Severino, LYFE teachers; and Josephine Carson; and author-illustrator Pat Cummings.
I’m so excited to continue the legacy of this program with this helpful and informational hub for new parents everywhere.
The 3 videos below are fabulous brief segments from the ‘Reading With Babies’ DVD in which 50 babies between 2-24 months ‘read’ books with their families. This will give you a sample of the work with did for 25 years in the Read To Me Program. You can even order your own copy of the video from The Book Vine for Children. The entire piece has been used to train pediatricians, librarians, day care staff, elementary school teachers and social workers. And parents.
[ Note: At the end of the videos You Tube offers suggestions that are not Reading with Babies content ]